Reward System

Classroom Tickets and Goals- Teacher and students discretion
Class Dojo Points- Teacher and student discretion
Lunchroom Tickets- Drawing for small prizes
Bus Tickets- Recognition by bus drivers
Positive Office Referral- Student is recognized by teacher and principal for outstanding gains in behavior or just simply because they had an awesome moment.
Monthly SOAR Student- Student is recognized for being a positive role model for the month
Monthly Dress Down- Students with no office referrals

Weekly Staff Members of the Week
Staff Peer to Peer Acknowledgement


  1. I earned a gold ticket for eating quiet and talking quiety.

  2. Chasity you are being nice to Allison and Aaliyah do want to be me best too I want you to be my best friend and Aaliyah too are you are ready Aaliyah friend.

  3. Um.. let me think,Sure :)
